[TYPO3-dev] flexform: multiple inputfields in one line?

Bernd Wilke 19m0nyq02 at sneakemail.com
Wed Apr 11 09:43:03 CEST 2007

I'm on the way to create a new FE-extension. The plugin should be configured
with a lot of values. mainly, the configuration is identical to 13 areas, so
it would be possible to create a table with 13 rows and 5 columns where the
plugin can be configured.

I would like to have something like this:

 drop   drop   chk  chk  chk
 down   down   box  box  box
area1 |  0  V|  0  V| [] | [] | [] |
area2 |  0  V|  0  V| [] | [] | [] |
  :   :      :      :    :    :    :
area12|  0  V|  0  V| [] | [] | [] |
area13|  0  V|  0  V| [] | [] | [] |

But I can't find a way to get multiple inputfields in one row/line or even a
table with inputfields.

can anyone give me some hints?



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