[TYPO3-dev] set_no_cache is bad. What's next?

Bernd Wilke xoonsji02 at sneakemail.com
Wed Apr 4 01:54:14 CEST 2007

On Mon, 02 Apr 2007 17:55:56 -0500, R. van Twisk wrote
with subject "Re: [TYPO3-dev] set_no_cache is bad. What's next?":

> Something that can understand the data structure better.
> For example
> let's say we store data in a hierarchy:
> a-
> --1
> --2
> --3
> --b
> ----4
> ----5
> ----6
> c
> --7
> --8
> --9
> ----d
> ----e
> ----f
> g
> --10
> --11
> --12
> You can see the above as a forum (a, b, c) with different
> posts, or news with categories... It doesn't really matter.
> Now when a cache needs to be cleared I would like to tell
> the caching API 'clear cache of tree c', or 'clear cache of tree b'
> or 'clear cache of item 10'.
> That way we can instruct the caching mechanism to only clear
> parts of the cache, instead of simply the whole structure.
> Above, I am not talking about the page tree, or the cache of pages,
> above I am talking about a API where extensions can store data
> in a hierarchical way, and teh extension can decide what parts
> to purge. Or using auto purge parameters like:
> - Clear (part of the) cache at some time
> - Clear (part of the) cache at some event..
> - Clear (part of the) cache  per instruction made by the extension
> A simple 'make hash and retrieve' data system will not work well
> for extensions for several reasons outlined in other parts of the thread,
> or the danger of flooding the cache when wrongly used (just look
> in the mailing list for 'Help my DB is 5Gb big', or similar posts.
that reminds me:

my first imagination of a cms for websites:
it should build up data like the DOM-tree and then render it to clean

if i notice the dependencies of each node I can decide which nodes have to
build again.

let's have an example:
(the DOM tree can be represented as a XML-structure)


whith every level I store the information about caching and on a change I
know which part of the tree must be rebuild:

there was a answer to posting2:
-  <header>
-    <logo>
-      image
-    </logo>
-    <mainmenu>
-      pagelink1
-      pagelink2
-      pagelink3
-    </mainmenu>
-    bannerimage
-  </header>
+  <body>
+    <forum>
-      <overview>
-        threadlink1
-        threadlink2
-        threadlink3
-      </overview>
+      <singleview>
-        posting1
-        posting2
+        posting3
+      </singleview>
+    </forum<
+  </body>
-  <footer>
-    imprintlink
-    contaktlink
-  </footer>

so it belongs to <singleview> this has to be rebuild (only the <singleview>
which contains the new posting. It depends on the posting records, so its
cached data is represented by those ids. adding a new id makes the cache

so <singleview> has rebuild, the containing <forum> has to be rebuild, it
can gather the cached data from <overview> and the new <singleview>

next level:
<body> has to be rebuild, because it contains <forum> which was rebuild

now the page has to be rebuild, whith the cached data from <header> and
<footer> and the new data from <body>

I don't know the exact datastructure, is it possible?
any negotiations? any errors?


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