[TYPO3-dev] set_no_cache is bad. What's next?

Elmar HInz elmar.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Sun Apr 1 14:44:55 CEST 2007

Am Sun, 01 Apr 2007 14:37:53 +0200 schrieb Elmar HInz:

>> On a list-view with a form, that filters the records, what is the best 
>> technique that the search results will be cached ?
>> I tried something like
> Hi,
> (if the number of filter combinations is limited) {
>    you use a USER object and each combination is cached.
> } else {
>    you use a USER_INT, because an unlimited number of combinations should
>    not be cached.
> }
> exit Elmar


You don't have cHash in a form, so you can't cache the search result. 

For a limited number of combinations you would need to modify this in a
way that it works with a cHashed URL for each combinations. You would
need a list of links or a list of "single option forms" with the cHash as



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