[TYPO3-dev] alwaysActivePIDlist

Martin Kutschker Martin.Kutschker at n0spam-blackbox.net
Wed Oct 25 09:49:10 CEST 2006

Michael Stucki schrieb:
> There is a limited possibility for implementing common stdWrap features like
> "wrap", "override" or "crop". The := operator provides a basic framework
> for this, but it is far from being complete.

I still think that := was a good idea, because it does what it was intended 
for (manipulation of *constant* settings, eg adding stuff to RTE 

Adding crop is easy but I don't see any point in it. Wrap is just a 
shorthand for the existing append and prepend, no big deal. Override is 
simply =, but we could add a setIfZero and setIfEmpty.

Perhaps a addToListAfter and addToListBefore would be nice as well.

In my own configs I only wished for the latter two.


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