[TYPO3-dev] auth services problem - where to require HORDE framework classes

Achim Gerber JHF IT achim.gerber at jhf-china.org
Thu Nov 30 11:28:41 CET 2006

Hi All,

I want use the horde driver for the authentication. This way the horde
session is also created for that user and I can "hopefully" later create for
typo3 horde wrapper plug-in to display calendars and mails of that user.

So far I studied all what is available for auth services and I created an
extension which can authenticate a dummy user in typo3. The user is created
in the particular sysfolder. Looks fine so far.

Now comes the problem: When I try to instantiate the HORDE framework I
struggle. The code below works fine in a standalone php file directly loaded
from the browser. But if I try to require the HORDE framework classes in my
class.tx_awghordeauth_sv1.php I get lots of errors.

I tried to require the HORDE framework in my ext_localconf.php I can not
access the Auth::... class from HORDE.

Which is the right scope to require the HORDE framework classes?
I would really appreciate your input!!

Greetings - Achim

// Define path to Horde.
define('HORDE_BASE', '../horde');

@define('AUTH_HANDLER', true);
@define('IMP_BASE', HORDE_BASE . '/imp');

$authentication = 'none';
require_once IMP_BASE . '/lib/base.php';
require IMP_BASE . '/config/servers.php';

/* Get an Auth object. */
$imp_auth = (Auth::getProvider() == 'imp');
$auth = &Auth::singleton($conf['auth']['driver']);

if (!$auth->isAuthenticated()) {
    echo 'new authentication: ';
    $authenticated = $auth->authenticate('as.gerber', array('password' =>

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