[TYPO3-dev] need hint for multilingual extension

Steffen Kamper steffen at dislabs.de
Mon Nov 20 15:17:02 CET 2006

"Felix Griesser" <feelx at shinternet.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.39009.1164029122.30218.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
> Steffen Kamper schrieb:
>> part 2 is solved too - i only forgot to enable localisation view :/
>> the really not working part is creating a new record of a table that has 
>> a database-relation to a category.
>> This category-field has the statement
>> "foreign_table_where" => "AND 
>> sys_language_uid=###REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid### ORDER BY 
>> tx_skrental_category.uid",
>> and when creating new record, the marker is replaced by an empty string, 
>> so sql query fails.
>> Any searches for that problem didn't help to prevent this error.
>> So i need help, may be anyone with good acknowledge of tcemain can help 
>> to solve this - thanks !
>> vg  Steffen

I found a solution for the SQL-Statement, I used this:
 CAST('###REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid###' AS UNSIGNED)

so it doesn't matter if the Marker is replaced by an empty string.

vg  Steffen

>> "Steffen Kamper" <steffen at dislabs.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
>> news:mailman.1.1164014387.10656.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
>>> part one is solved in tca-config (AND 
>>> sys_language_uid=###REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid### ORDER BY ...)
>>> what i need is an advice how to mark the records in list, maybe with 
>>> flags.
>>> vg  Steffen
>>> "Steffen Kamper" <steffen at dislabs.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
>>> news:mailman.1.1163790944.12437.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
>>>> Hi,
>>>> i'm looking for a hint for multilingaul handling.
>>>> My Extension works in multilingual context, but I'm not pleasured with 
>>>> the way it is.
>>>> Example:
>>>> I have 3 Languages and a Category Table. Now I make a entry with 
>>>> default language and two as translations for the other languages.
>>>> In the Listview i don't see which entry belongs to which languages, and 
>>>> when i create an entry with the other table, which has database related 
>>>> field to this table, i have all entries of all languages in the select 
>>>> box.
>>>> Did i forgot something ? Is there part of documentation i missed ?
>>>> many thnaks in advance for a hint.
>>>> vg  Steffen
> Re!
> Just to make it clear because it's not mentioned in the mailing-list-tree 
> but it's quoted in bugreport 4405:
> The Error _only occurs_ when in the same config-array of the field in the 
> tca.php is set:
> "maxitems" =>  is set to a value higher than "1".
> greetings
> felix 

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