[TYPO3-dev] EXT-DEV - Translation of Selectbox Items in BE.

Steffen Kamper steffen at dislabs.de
Mon Nov 20 10:18:19 CET 2006


"Felix Griesser" <feelx at shinternet.ch> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.37373.1163974975.30218.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hello List
> I just begun to (try to..) develop typo3-Extensions :) I struggled on the 
> problem: Imagine an extension with a "product" and a "category" - Let's 
> say you have the product "book" and a category "novel" which is chosen 
> from a seperate table with a 'selector box'. When I translate the 
> category-items into German it would be "Novelle" - When I want to assign 
> those categories - i have both entries in the selectbox - the "original" 
> one and the localized one;
> [novel Novelle] Of course this MAY be wanted but it's not in every case.
> After some searching I found an change in tca.php of the extension as 
> follows:
>      search for the table "product" as example and look fruther for 
> category in this case. In the config Array modify the 
> 'foreign_table_where' as shown:
> "category" => Array (       ..
>               ..
>            "config" => Array (
>                 ..
>                "foreign_table" => "user_test_productcategory", 
> "foreign_table_where" => "AND 
> user_test_productcategory.pid=###CURRENT_PID### AND
> sys_language_uid=###REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid### ORDER BY 
> user_test_productcategory.uid",
> The important part is "AND 
> sys_language_uid=###REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid###"  but I have two small 
> issues with that.
> 1) When I have two fields where I need to change that I get a *mysql_assoc 
> Error* in Backend! When I change it to
>    "AND sys_language_uid=0" it works fine. Is there a solution for this?
> 2) When I want make the language selection depending of the current users 
> BE-Language I don't know how...? Something like this, doesn't work:
>    "foreign_table" => "user_test_productcategory,be_users", 
> "foreign_table_where" => "AND 
> user_test_productcategory.pid=###CURRENT_PID### AND 
> sys_language_uid=###REC_FIELD_be_users.lang### ORDER BY 
> user_test_productcategory.uid",
> How can I make the display of the field-items depending on the BE-language 
> of current user?
the point is not to change it to the language of the BE-user but to the 
language of the record.
If you translate a record to english you want have to displayed only the 
english categories for the db relation.

I only use
AND sys_language_uid=###REC_FIELD_sys_language_uid### ORDER BY ...
and it works as it should

vg  Steffen

> Thank you in advance and
> best wishes
> felix 

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