[TYPO3-dev] Creating an image-processing framework

Andreas Wolf ng at nospam.andreaswolf.info
Wed Nov 15 17:42:54 CET 2006

> To sum up how it's done there: All image processing functionality is
> controlled by an abstract "GalleryToolkit" API that can be implemented
> the way you want. There are implementations called ImageMagickToolkit,
> GdToolkit, NetpbmToolkit, etc. The admin can add as many toolkits as he
> wants, provided he has the libraries/binaries. Each Toolkit will be able
> to handle "their" combination of mime-types and operations/properties.
> For example the ImageMagickToolkit is able to perform "thumbnail",
> "scale", "crop", "resize", "composite", etc on mime-types it supports
> (auto-discovered on Toolkit installation). Then the GDToolkit will be
> able to do more or less the same things. Another, JheadToolkit will only
> be able to extract certain properties from certain mime-types (Exif-Info
> from JPEGs). All those can be combined and cascaded if needed. So I can
> also have a Gallery2 installation with "just" GD2 library and no
> ImageMagick at all. It will be able to do everything that the GD2
> Toolkit is able to produce. Adding more "Toolkits" only adds more
> functionality.
Yes, that's similar to what I imagine - ok, I thought of grouping it around
file-types, but that's perhaps really not the best idea. I also thought of
integrating Jhead, but in a second step. 

> This Toolkit concept is already pretty well OO-designed and uses very
> common design patterns (factory, etc), which we could borrow.
I think that TYPO3s service-concept is similar - without having had a look
at Gallery2-internals, though. But from your description I would say that
G2s Toolkits are more advanced. Perhaps we could extend the
service-framework with some ideas borrowed from Gallery2?

> And also have a look at the ImageMagick toolkit in particular, as it is
> able to work pretty well on all possible combinations of ImageMagick and
> GraphicsMagick variants without much twists. Of course the very well
> thought unit-tests provide that nothing breaks when adding support for
> yet another version.
> Just one crazy thought: Maybe we could simply "use" gallery2 as our DAM??
Hm, there are efforts for integrating Gallery2 into TYPO3, but as far as I
know the people involved there (are you?) were argueing which side is
responsible for the problems they have... Something was wrong about the
user-database, I think - but I have not tracked the development there.

> Again, look at Gallery2, we already have all "presets" there, and many
> manpower was already inputted there.
Ok, I'll have a look at it.


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