[TYPO3-dev] enable "insert records" for pugins

Stefan Kreisberg stefan at nospam-linkfactory.dk
Tue Nov 14 19:33:43 CET 2006

Antonio Nikolic wrote:

> hi again,
> I now corrected the issue mentioned before. Relations to the record are
> now staying with the content element when saving. but still nothing
> happens.
> Where can I read how to implement a function which shows single records
> referenced by "insert records"?
> regards
> antonio

There's a kickstarter video on typo3.org documentation. Take the video tour
on the kickstarter. As i recall it shows how to view a cd-collection.

You could also consider installing the extdeveval (if it still runs by that
name) - it has the API documentation you are looking for.

Reading the Core API might also be a good idea.

Best of luck


vh Stefan Kreisberg, a.k.a. Strato
A bird in the hand makes it awfully hard to blow your nose.

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