[TYPO3-dev] Crawler

Andreas Otto andreas.otto at dkd.de
Wed Nov 8 07:52:54 CET 2006

Hi Peter,

Peter Russ wrote:
> What would be the best approach as for the moment there are no hooks
> available at the current solution.

Kasper is currently the maintainer of the crawler extension so your approach
should be to contact Kasper. You can either ask if he can implement hooks
for you or you could ask if he wants to continue the development of the
extension using the TYPO3xdev services.

Either way a diff that contains your modifications might speed things up.
You can probably add your request as feature request to the bugtracker so
your diff does not get lost in Kasper's inbox.


Andreas Otto

d.k.d Internet Service GmbH
Kaiserstraße 79
60329 Frankfurt / Main
Fon: +49 69 43056170
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Mail: andreas.otto at dkd.de
Home: www.dkd.de

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