[TYPO3-dev] Writing to page type 97 from extension

Dmitry Dulepov typo3 at accio.lv
Tue May 9 09:34:38 CEST 2006


Christian Lerrahn wrote:
> Thanks for that but it's only half the info I need. Perhaps I should be
> more specific about my problem. At the moment when I access page type 97,
> I will get a [more] link for my plugin. When I then access that page
> (?id=35,1.97), I will only see [Un-rendered element, list] although the
> plugin doesn't care about the page type. I doubt that it would be enough
> to just output valid WML (which the plugin currently doesn't do) but I
> have no idea what I have to do that the output is correctly rendered.

You need:
	page97 = PAGE
	page97.typeNum = 97
	page97.config.disableAllHeaderCode = 1
	page97.10 < plugin.tx_yourplugin_pi1

Quoting about disableAllHeaderCode:

If this is set, none of the features of the PAGE-object is processed and
the content of the page will be the result of the cObject array
(1,2,3,4...) of the PAGE-object.  This means that the result of the
cObject should include everything from the <HTML> .... to the </HTML> tag !!

Use this feature in templates supplying other content-types than HTML.
That could be an image or a WAP-page!

"It is our choices, that show what we truly are,
far more than our abilities." (A.P.W.B.D.)

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