[TYPO3-dev] Sorting of entries in Constant Editor

Tristan Knapp info at knappmedien.de
Sun Jun 11 11:48:05 CEST 2006

The constants are sorted by datatype. I am not sure if this can be changed.

There is a variable which controls the sorting 
(doNotSortCategoriesBeforeMakingForm) setting this to true might get you 
what you want - but I don't think you can set it without hacking the file.

Make a feature request.

"JoH" <info at cybercraft.de> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1149987532.4175.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi folks.
> Currently I am working on an extension that will be using 23 different
> constants in 2 categories.
> I created a file static/ts/constants.txt and inserted something like that:
> #cat = fancycorners/dims; type=int; label=Vertical Spacing:Vertical 
> spacing
> between fancy corner frames;
> tx_fancycorners.boxSpacing = 10
> #cat = fancycorners/color; type=color; label=Content Background:Background
> color of the content box;
> tx_fancycorners.contentBackground = #ddddee
> #cat = fancycorners/dims;
> type=options[Rounded=1,Curved=2,Slanted=3,Folded=4]; label=Top Left
> Shape:Shape of the top left corner image;
> tx_fancycorners.top.left.shape = 1
> As you can see there are the 2 categories "dims" and "color" and I 
> expected
> the entries to be listed in theses categories in the order that I used in 
> my
> constants.txt file.
> The output however is using a weird kind of sorting and I am not able to
> find out the magic behind it, since moving the elements in the 
> constants.txt
> file has some influence on the output order, but again not in the expected
> way. Sometimes it happens, that moving an element just one line changes 
> the
> position of  some other elements that where not even close to the one I
> moved.
> So the question is: Is there any possibility to get a well formed list in
> the desired order?
> If not: Which class is reponsible for the listing so that I will be able 
> to
> file a bug on the bugtracker.
> Thanx
> Joey
> -- 
> Wenn man keine Ahnung hat: Einfach mal Fresse halten!
> (If you have no clues: simply shut your knob sometimes!)
> Dieter Nuhr, German comedian
> openBC: http://www.cybercraft.de

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