[TYPO3-dev] RealStatic HTML Files idea

Benjamin Mack bmack at kirix.com
Mon Jul 31 21:02:39 CEST 2006


actually, I thought of static output the second I started using TYPO3 
three years ago. So I know that there are a lot of people that think 
"Hey, we need something like this". Also, with my post I wanted to 
gather thoughts about this topic, not tell everybody "Hey, what about 
this awesome idea to make static HTML files".

But since then really -nobody- came up with a good solution for it, I 
thought I'd give it a try in conjunction with RealURL, and for having 
this *additionally* to the installed typo3 on the same server, not as an 
export function (which would be optional). I know it is only for static 
pages, but a lot of the websites I created with TYPO3 don't have 
banners, counters etc. and for Typo3 as a good CMS, this option would be 
nice in an extension that works out of the box.

Also, as I originally stated, it only would improve the performance for 
complete static files (the PDF from Matthew is not really). I just 
wanted to tell that now with RealURL and the caching-to-files  - 
possibility (and the publish-idea, which is in the early stages right 
now) it is easy to hook in there. So maybe with united forces there is a 
way to create something that is good.


Dmitry Dulepov wrote:
> Hi!
> Benjamin Mack wrote:
>> So... what do you think of this idea, does this have potential to get in 
>> the CORE for e.g. 4.5 or should it be an extension, or an addition for 
>> RealURL?
> If your pges include at least one non-cacheable object, this will not 
> work. So, bye counters, random photos, banners, etc.
> Do you really think no one had such idea?.. Version 4.0 already can 
> cache pages to static disk files but it still takes a lot of 
> time/resources to initialize the framework.

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