[TYPO3-dev] stable = documented ?

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Wed Jul 26 00:33:36 CEST 2006

Hello Ries,

R. van Twisk wrote:
> Would it be possible that the ECT team is going to maintain kickstarter?

I don't think this is a good idea. ECT is targeted to be an orign and
incubator of new teams. It's not the target to eat existing ones. The
overall target is to scale the TYPO3 community by building structures that
enable people to become productive for the community.

> When I read the docs, I believe the old method is still mentioned there,
> but to be honest, I don't check the docs to frequently...

The mixture of actual and old docs has already been a problem for me 3
years ago, when I started with TYPO3. Situation has improved a little bit,
but not very. I think that is one of the reasons we there is that big
market for TYPO3 books. There is no easy way to inform people which parts
of the docs are outdated. Maybe a full wiki based documentation system
could be a solution, where everybody can discuss and alter the outdated parts.

> Where the function addPItoST43 is mentioned, it clearly doesn't say it
> is outdated.
> And if kickstarer even uses it.... Then the logical way for any
> extension writer,
> including me is keep on using that function.

After this long discussion I see a way to set up a better named alias and
to fix the core to work with different renderer setups not
css_styled_contnet only.

> I know we don't have any control of documentation. This just sits in
> some swx file,
> cannot be edited from the web etc.... But when we adopt kickstarter.
> We can start bend around the current method and start 'forcing' better
> methods?

We don't need to adopt it to make it better. We just need to do it. :-)

However my first priority is to bring lib/div do stable, my second is to
simplify startup with TYPO3 with a clever line of preconfigured packages.
The third would be the kickstarter. But hopefully I am not alone.



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