[TYPO3-dev] How to transform db content with <LINK> tags to <A> tags?

Ricardo Scachetti Pereira ricardo at tdwg.org
Mon Jul 17 18:48:03 CEST 2006

    Hi all,

    I've created a Typo3 plugin that renders content from a custom 
table. I'm using the following code to load the record from the database:

            // the page is linked to a group: then display it in 
singleView mode
            $this->internal['currentTable'] = 'tx_tdwg_subgroups';
            $this->internal['currentRow'] = 
            $content = $this->singleView($content,$conf);

    The variable $this is an instance of my pligin class (subclass of 

    The problem is that the field values still have Typo3 specific tags 
like <LINK>, like in the sample below:

Wiki: <LINK 

Mailing List: <LINK 

    What is the right way of transforming that content, i.e., turn the 
<LINK> tags into <A> tags?

    I'm trying to use methods t3lib_parsehtml_proc::RTE_transform() or 
even lib_rteapi::transformContent() but I'm having a hard time figuring 
out how to initialize the objects.

    Could anyone help me out?

    Thanks in advance.

    Best regards,


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