[TYPO3-dev] A new feature to edit panels

tapio tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Mon Jan 23 07:32:05 CET 2006


One customer would like to have in every
column in fronend edit panels. The problem
is that edit panel creates a new record to the top of
the list. in the case of 'tt_content' to the
column, which has colPos=0.

I would change a little bit

	function editPanel(...
but I don't figure how to add all required features

* condition

* hidden field

* conditional SQL-statement

I like more the standard page module than TemplaVoila. I hope
that the standard page module would be developed and supported.
One feature, which can be done is give the possibility to create
in frontend eding at the same way possibility to add new content 
elements as in backend using the columns view. This would make
typo easier for people, who don't like to use backend editing.

But this need a new feature to the EDITPANEL

   20 {
     allow = new
#create a new content element
     label = Luo uusi sisältöelementti
     line = 0

must be for example

   20 {
     allow = new
     label = Luo uusi sisältöelementti
     line = 0

I would add this feature in my plugin if someone could give me some advice

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