[TYPO3-dev] create fe_user within extension

Bernhard Kraft kraftb at kraftb.at
Tue Jan 10 17:37:38 CET 2006

Bernd Goldschmidt wrote:
> Hi.
> After long searches in maillinglists and the web, I finally decided to
> post my question here:
> I created an typo3-extension (BE-module) to import a bunch of
> "persons" into a database table (via xml) which then get displayed in
> a frontend-plugin. For every imported person, i need a frontend user,
> which should be created automatically upon import. Is there a function
> to create a fe_user? I bassically need a function that takes a
> username, password, pid and groupid and creates the according user
> (return the uid of it if possible).

I have an extension ready which is able to import OpenOffice .sxc files (Spreadsheets)
directly into any table of T3. Also the fe_users table.

The extension is completly configurable via TSConfig. Each field from the XML (OOfile)
is passed through a stdWrap/cObject - so you can do almost anything you can think of.

I parsed a date given in dd/mm/yyyy to a timestamp which get's filled into a birth field
i added to the table .... completly via TSConfig.

The only drawback currently is that if you change the configuration you will have log out
and in again to apply the changes to the current user (the config gets stored in user/group

I did it via TSConfig cause the extension works in the BE and there is no TypoScript available.

I didn't do it with page-ts config as the import isn't really bound to a page ...

an example of the configuration i used for import is:

plugin.tx_kbsxcimport.fe_users {
  table = fe_users
  label = Mitarbeiter
  required = name,firstname,username
  unique = uid
  fieldMapping {
    pid = TEXT
    pid.value = 76
    uid = TEXT
    uid.field = makey
    cruser_id = TEXT
    cruser_id.value = 1
    username = COA
    username {
      1 = TEXT
      1.value = ###ERROR###
      1.if.value.field = login
      1.if.value.trim = 1
      1.if.value.rawUrlEncode = 1
      1.if.equals.field = login
      1.if.equals.trim = 1
      1.if.negate = 1
      10 = TEXT
      10.field = login
      10.trim = 1
    password = TEXT
    password.value = xxxxx
#    password.postUserFunc = user_phpfunc->genpw
#    password.postUserFunc.length = 6
    usergroup = TEXT
    usergroup.value = 2
    name = TEXT
    name.field = nachname
    firstname = TEXT
    firstname.field = vorname
    title = TEXT
    title.field = titel



in the "fieldMapping" cObject you simply define the values for each field from the table you are importing

the fields from the OOfile are available to the cObject using stdWrap.field = fieldname like normally :)

If you require it I could send you the extension (It is not in TER currently as there is no documentation
and I plan to improve it so it can also import M$ XLS directly - which is what I get from the customer)


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