[TYPO3-dev] Master Style 4 Typo3

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Tue Feb 21 14:06:12 CET 2006

Matthew Manderson wrote:

>>post, it's enough to add a class to some (for most extensions propably
>>*one*) tag that's framing the extension's output. The rest can be done in
>>the stylesheet using the cascade.
>This however does cause a problem as Franz included to display more than one
>instance of an extension and you want to style the first a little
>differently to the second.
>The result in my mind is not to have a single id wrapper for each element
>but some incremental id. e.g. id="ext_thingy_1" id="ext_thingy_2" etc.
You will have to do that anyways because there can by only on ID on a 
single page.
Morover, it means that if the number if items is unknown you need to 
create a unknown number of CSS items for the repeated task. My 
suggestion is thus not use ID's for styling but rather use classes.
Most extensions don't fall in the category of using ID's for styles..


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