[TYPO3-dev] Dynamic Header Image has no access to fields

Sean Gonsman sean at abovemedia.com
Sat Feb 18 19:14:43 CET 2006

I am pulling my hair out over this.  I am trying to create an image that 
uses the page title as the text.  For some reason the lib has no access 
to any of the fields (title, nav_title, etc.).  Everything else is 
working fine.  I have a background image that is being used and if I 
manually type the text it works.  Why don't I have access to fields?  I 
have put the following code at the top of the setup file for my template:

lib.mainHeaderImg = IMAGE
lib.mainHeaderImg.altText.field = title
lib.mainHeaderImg {
   file = GIFBUILDER
   file {
     XY = 434,27
     backColor = #434343
     10 = IMAGE
     10 {
       file = fileadmin/templates/city_pres/images/h_bg.gif

     20 = TEXT
     20 {
       text.field = title
#      text = About City Presbyterian
       offset = 35,20
       fontColor = #C0C662
       fontFile = fileadmin/templates/city_pres/fonts/damnarc.TTF
       fontSize = 30

Everything seems to work except for the line "text.field = title"


Sean Gonsman
Above Media
678-935-7109 (fax)
sean at abovemedia.com

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