[TYPO3-dev] 4.0beta3 GMENU transparency bug?!?

Joerg Wagner - DigiLog multimedia usenet at digilog.de
Sat Feb 18 09:01:06 CET 2006

Hi all

can anybody please confirm this problem - if so I will post a bug in 

After upgrading from  4.0beta2  to  4.0beta3  I experience problems with 
transparent backgrounds in my GMENUs.
Under certain conditions the transparency is inverted, making all 
transparent background pixels visible and the characters themselves 
As far as I can tell this is needed to reproduce the problem:

- niceText MUST be on.
- the backColor value (read as one 48 bit number) must have a higher value 
than the fontColor value.
- I am using GraphicsMagick. Not sure whether this will happen with 
ImageMagick too.

This TS used in a GMENU reproduces the problem:

      backColor = #D3D9DB
      transparentBackground = 1
      10 = TEXT
        text.field = title
        fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/ARIAL.TTF
        fontSize = 24
        fontColor = #D3D9DA
        niceText = 1
        offset = 0,22

Changing the backColor to e.g. #D2D9DB or #D3D9D9 makes the problem 
disappear, as then the backColor has a lower value than the fontColor!
Also setting niceText to 0 hides the problem.
As said this problem was NOT part of 4.0beta2 in an otherwise largely 
identical configuration.

My GFX conf vars are:

    $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']["im"] = '1';
    $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['im_combine_filename'] = 'combine';
    $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']["im_path"] = 
    $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']["im_path_lzw"] = '';
    $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['im_version_5'] = 'gm';
    $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['GFX']['TTFdpi'] = '96';

...but I changed them back and forth and they do not seem to affect this 

Jörg Wagner
DigiLog multimedia 

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