[TYPO3-dev] Kickstarter meets sb_accessible

mailmaus at lewser.de mailmaus at lewser.de
Thu Feb 16 12:24:48 CET 2006

for some reason sb_accessiblecontent forgets about everything that is
not tt_content.
u must tell it to like your plugin again by adding it to the setup.txt
TS like this

# Add often used plugins (add your one ones here)

tt_content.list.20.my_plugin_pi1 = < plugin.tx_my_plugin_pi1

have fun.

Heiko Pool schrieb:
> i got a little problem with the sb_accessible extension (i know its
> alpha - but its also public).
> extensions created with the kickstarter render perfectly well when the
> "CSS styled content" template is used but when using the "sb_accessible"
> extension
> nothing will be rendered. an extensions main function wont be called at
> all. what would i have to do to make it work?
> to get an idea of what im talking about you can simply try to create a
> new extension with the kickstarter. add a
> Frontend Plugin. install the extension. assign it to a page and have a
> look at it while "sb_accessible" is active. there wont be no rendering
> of the extension at all unless
> you use "CSS styled content". because the sb_accessible extension is
> based on "CSS
> styled content" i was assuming that stuff like that would still work.
> any suggestions anyone?
> thx

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