[TYPO3-dev] XCLASS conflict examples

tapio tapio.markula at dnainternet.net
Sun Feb 12 09:59:17 CET 2006

Bernhard Kraft wrote:
> Bernhard Kraft wrote:
>> Could somebody of you name me some extensions which are conflicting ?

> To make them co-exist you have to either manually copy the methods of 
> the one XCLASS over to
> the other (to the one which get's included / is installed later).

that is not enough in certain situations. IMO one of the most difficult 
area is interface control (alt_doc.php, db_layout.php, 
class.tx_cms_layout.php etc. ). In order to get interface-related 
plugins to work together it is necessary to rewrite much source because 
handling of button related actions are different. You must rewrite the 
code for individual action buttons or make conditions. Link wraps have 
as default some condition. Do someone has idea, how to set link 
properties using hooks?
I have done terrible work to get the interface more versatile - and I 
would not like to loose all that job.

> Or you can make the one XCLASS be an XCLASS of the already existing.

but how far you can use it? 'ux_ux_someclass' works but does it work 

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