[TYPO3-dev] Adding meta tags in Extension?

Heiner Lamprecht typo3 at heiner-lamprecht.net
Thu Aug 31 11:27:36 CEST 2006

Hi everybody,

I'm looking for a possibility to add meta tags to a page from within 
my extension.  I'm writing an extension that displays images on a 
page and would like to add the keywords from the DAM backend to the 
meta tags of that page.

What is the best approach?  Are there any API functions for this (I 
haven't found any, but maybe I have overlooked them?).  Is there 
any way to ensure that each keyword only appears one time, even if 
related to more than one image?

Thanks for any hint,


    heiner at heiner-lamprecht dot net    GnuPG - Key: 9859E373
  Fingerprint:  3770 7947 F917 94EF 8717 BADB 0139 7554 9859 E373

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