[TYPO3-dev] TMENU_LAYERS - visualize click path

Felix Eckhofer fe at studioneun.de
Wed Aug 9 16:19:03 CEST 2006

Hi everyone.

We needed a way to keep the menu items in the current "click path" 
highlighted as long as the user hovers over a menu item.

So, if you are on a page "Page1" and open the TMENU_LAYERS like this:

   Page2 -- Page2_1
   Page3    Page2_2
   Page4    Page2_3
            Page2_4 -- Page2_4_1

the items Menu2, Menu2_4 and Menu2_4_1 are highlighted.

Attached is a small patch for media/scripts/tmenu_layers.php that makes 
this possible. It dynamically assigns a CSS-class to the items on the 
click path for the currently highlighted item.

You need to specify the name of the CSS-class in the template like this:
 > menu.1 = TMENU_LAYERS
 > menu.1.pathCSS = menu_inpath
Then, you can use CSS like the following to style the links:
 > .mymenu .menu_inpath a { ... }

Also, it should work just as good for GMENU_LAYERS but I don't see why 
anyone would want something like that.

Studio 9 GmbH Usability now!
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