[TYPO3-dev] RTEKeep, transformation function TS_links_rte

Matthias Süncksen suencksen at xiah.de
Tue Aug 8 14:05:16 CEST 2006

hello typo3-dev,

there are some ways to get "internal links" (i.e. links to typo3 pages 
on the same system) into the tt_content table which are not in the typo3 
format <link ..></link>. I don't necessarily want to discuss these ways 
how the links get there but the situation that prohibits them from being 
converted back to typo3's format even if they could: even otherwise 
well-formed anchor links don't get converted since rtekeep=1 is added on 
the way to the RTE.

Since RTEKeep="1" is always added on the way from the database to the 
RTE ( I looked at class.t3lib_parsehtml_proc.php, function TS_links_rte) 
I was thinking about the possibility of turning it off and what the 
consequences may be.

In my particular setup which does not use transformation "ts_css" but 
only 'ts_links' and 'ts_images' turning off the "RTEKEEP=1" feature in 
the source had no visible consequences, but as a positive, upon saving 
page content in the RTE any non-converted "internal links" from the 
database had a chance of finally getting into the <link>..</link> format ..

My post goes over the the transformation from the database to the RTE. 
Maybe is it also possible to have "rtekeep=1" ignored on the way from 
the RTE back to the database without turning off the 'ts_links' 
transformation or something.

What are your comments?


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