[Typo3-dev] gettext as default translation system

Michael Stucki michael at typo3.org
Wed Nov 23 16:34:42 CET 2005

Hi Sven,

> a short and simple question:
> Is there any reason to NOT use gettext as teh default translation system?
> Absolute reasons FOR gettext:
> * it's a wide-used standard in the opensource world
> * it splits it's translations into different files
> * it has direct php functions (so much more smarter for memory)
> * there are tools outside for translating (partly webbased)

The idea is nice, I just wonder who's going to implement such a huge(!)

It would have been nice to discuss about this when the locallang files were
changed into XML format, so changing it again is probably not worth the

Can you please make a little estimation of how much work is needed to change
this, if possible by keeping the traditional getLL features as stated by

Can you also make an estimation whether the speed gain is worth the effort
or not?

Thanks, michael
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