[Typo3-dev] typolink.addQueryString is broken

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker-n0spam at no5pam-blackbox.net
Mon Nov 21 17:59:12 CET 2005

Michael Stucki schrieb:
> Hi Martin,
>>typolink.addQueryString is suposed to add the QUERY_STRING to the URL
>>parameters. This doesn't work:
>>1.) QUERY_STRING does not contain an initial &
> This was fixed in 3.8.1. Did you try it?

Stupid me. Should've read this NEWS.txt

Didn't try but it's the same code as my proposal.

>>2.) even if QUERY_STRING would contain a & id would be repeated
> I know. This is not a problem technically because only the last &id is read
> by PHP, but if you still want to clean them up, just set
> config.uniqueLinkVars.

Yep. Is is a standard part if linkVars? I never set it an hesitate to 
add it to linkVars.

>>How is this feature supposed to work? Under what circumstances has this
>>ever been used?
> I use it pretty often for things like language switches, print links, etc.

That's what I wanted it for, but... as reported it simply did'nt work in 

I tried (with the added &) to use it as a language switch, but I ran 
into troubles with cHash params, so I use a userFunc unless I find 
another solution (like my proposed addQueryString.removeParams).


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