[Typo3-dev] tt_products and internet explorer = The page cannot be displayed

Jogvan Olsen jo at atlanticvideo.dk
Fri Nov 11 13:04:02 CET 2005

This question has earlier been asked in products mailing list, but Franz, 
the developer of tt_products say this error is outside of tt_products - so I 
hope someone here can help me.

On a site with a tt_products shop, I have the following problem:

When I do the following:
- put a product in the basket and go to the basket
- select 'continue with order/payment'
- enter name and address
- select 'BACK' in MS Internet Exlorer (6.0) menu, I get 'The page cannot be

If I 'refresh' and do the same again - without emptying the basket - it work 

How can I correct this?

The test page http://tt-products.zedwoo.de have the same problem.

Thanks in advance
Jogvan Olsen

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