[Typo3-dev] getting default database values from an external extension

Rainer (Rene) Suthoelder t3 at boswel-remove-me.de
Mon May 2 20:03:51 CEST 2005

Peter Russ wrote:
> No idea if there is a offical way. But I would include
> typo3/sysext/cms/ext_tables.php and foreach $TCS['fe_users'].

before my post, i used a sql "show columns from fe_users", but in the result
i also had all additional FE user data (inserted by other extensions).
now, within my function i use the $TCA

function columnNamesFromDB () {
  globals $TCA;
  $dbFields = array_keys($TCA[fe_users][columns]);

this works and saves me a SQL select.



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