[Typo3-dev] Pledge fo 3.8.1

Martin Kutschker martin.kutschker at no5pam.blackbox.net
Thu Jun 2 09:14:30 CEST 2005

"Michael Stucki" <michael at typo3.org> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
news:mailman.1.1117667392.15913.typo3-dev at lists.netfielders.de...
> Hi Martin,
>> I think that there are a few bugs in 3.8 (I know two *) that really would
>> be nice to see fixed before 3.9 is out. IMHO a maintenance release in one
>> or two month shows that the devs care. It's not a sign of buggy software.
> First of all, please read this:
> http://lists.netfielders.de/pipermail/typo3-project-content-rendering/2005-May/000059.html
> If the beta would be tested seriously then there would be no need to hurry
> with a 3.8.1 just a few days after 3.8.0 is out.

And if the beta would be announced on the users list and on typo3.org then 
we would have a serious user base. The hiding of the beta and the RCs do 
(IMHO) much damage to the prcoess of testing.

I think that if we had a) more betas that are announced and b) some kind of 
announcement for devs that a beta or an RC is out at *least* two weeks 
before, the whole process would be improved. a) makes sure more people test 
the release and b) makes sure all those little fixes lying around on 
everybodies harddisk have a chance to get into the code. Both for 3.7 and 
3.8 I was surprised with the actual release date. Mind, that many of us have 
some kind of other life. So a "hey folks, next week we have a new release" 
is no way to get dev involved. I need those two weeks to manage my time. So 
I can talk with my boss for doing fixes i office time and to devote some 
time in my spare time.


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