[Typo3-dev] Option split works problematic

JoH info at cybercraft.de
Wed Jun 1 17:28:59 CEST 2005

>>> Option split value should be COMMON for ALL menu items in the same
>>> level. If the item state is CUR or ACT, the option split is useless,
>>> Because there is just ONE item/ menu
>> Sorry - but this is complete nonsense.
>> optionSplit always uses the whole set of menu items regardless of
>> their state.
>> This will work even with different optionSplits and different
>> first|middle|last settings.
> I tried to put for CUR option split BUT it takes ALWAYS thel last
> value in the list.
> If it counts just how many items is in the state CUR in a  menu level
> of cource there is one - with option split that means that the LAST
> alternative is used.

Well - it doesn't. optionSplit counts all the menuitems available and then
sets the value for the current position in the menu according to your
first|middle|last setup.

> I don't write nonsense. You wrote nonsense when you wrote that CUR has
> option slit - option split for CUR and ACT is nonsense - what is
> really bad matter

OK, man - you should be aware of the fact that you are talking to "Mr.
optionSplit" himself ;-)
And another fact you should consider is, that I _always_ check the code
before I post to the lists.
If it's not checked for some reason, I will write something like "not tested
but should be working".
In this case we are talking about a thing we have been using for more than 3
years now.
So you should have a second though about your capabilities and maybe you
will detect that you might not be inerrable ;-)

I setup a small example on www.4any1.de/index.php?id=87
You will see a menu with the following setup:

NO.ATagParams = class="blue" |*| class="blue2" |*| class="blue3"
ACT = 1
ACT.ATagParams = class="green" |*| class="green2" |*| class="green3"
CUR = 1
CUR.ATagParams = class="red" |*| class="red2" |*| class="red3"

For all items in NO state there are 3 different tones of blue.
First is a lighter one, second is darker and rotating, third is darkest.
Same thing for ACT but with green tones and CUR with red tones.

Have a look at it and see it working on TYPO3 3.7.0

The problem you might have is that you are not really understanding how TS
and especially optionSplit works.
Instead of trying to understand it you start patching some core files and
file it as a bug.
This is a behaviour I have been noticing since your first postings on the
lists, despite the fact that you always post english answers to the german

Keep cool ;-)


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