[Typo3-dev] Parsing/validating of a large form with image upload.

Ries van Twisk typo3 at rvt.dds.nl
Fri Jan 21 23:04:03 CET 2005

Ola devel list,

I need to create a fairly large form in my webspace.
This form needs to upload images/maby files enter different kinds of 
textx (int's, strings, dates).
Is there a API on which I can provide the checking of the form?

Looking at: 

There seems to be some functions in TS for it but I need to create the 
form in a *.tmpl file OR
php file and use a lot of the data in PHP for further handeling (mostly 
database with DBAL).

Does T3 provide such a API in php?


R. van Twisk

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