[Typo3-dev] [Typo3-doc] Glossary: Only 22 words left to explain!

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2005 at typo3.com
Tue Jan 18 22:08:45 CET 2005

OK, lets wrap this up:

>    Backend Editor Configuration

(Obsolete) Generally; Configuration in TypoScript syntax that can
determine behaviour of the backend interface, eg. an editor.
Specifically used for a stylesheet editor where the configuration was
the basis for the style options given by the editor. The concept is
considered obsolete.

>    context sensitive editing

Editing of content at the place it is presented. Also known as "Frontend
editing". In TYPO3 this is typically implemented as a little pencil-icon
shown close to the headline, text, image etc. that the user wants to
edit. A click on the icon close to the element will bring up a formular
where the content can be edited and saved right away. The concept
represents a high degree of usability since it is based on intuition
while it also introduces some limitations compared to regular backend

>    control element

An element which has a controlling function. An example is a Domain or
TypoScript Template record. Domain records control by their position in
the page tree where the entry point for a certain domain name will be. A
TypoScript record controls the frontend behaviour of the page tree from
the point where it is positioned.

>    function menu

The selector-box found in the upper right corner of many backend
modules. The selector box represents a menu by which the user chooses
the specific function of the module in case a module represents a
framework for a number of related functionalities.

>    General Record Storage page

For a branch of the page tree this is a page appointed to contain
database elements of a general purpose for the site (opposite to eg.
content elements specific for a single page). For instance this could be
frontend users or an archive of news elements. The "General Record
Storage page" is the suggested method of defining such an archive page
but it depends on support from the extensions used on the site.
A General Record Storage page is usually a sysFolder found on the root
level of a website.


The type of graphical element used to compose a "gif" file in TYPO3,
using the "GIFBUILDER" method. It could be of the type "TEXT" which can
print a text string onto the image using a truetype font. Or it could be
the IMAGE type which will overlay an image at a certain coordinate.
Notice that the word "GIF" used in "GIFBUILDER" is a heritage from the
past where only gif files could be produced with TYPO3 (today PNG is
also an option).

>    image block


>    jumpUrl

A method that the "typolink" function of the frontend can use when
linking to external URLs or local files (for secure downloads).
Basically links using the "jumpUrl" feature will link to the current
page with the GET variable "&jumpUrl=[URL or file reference]". When the
link is clicked and reaches the server TYPO3 will redirect to the URL or
document while still registering in the statistics that the link was
clicked. For more details, see TSref.

>    languagesplit

Obsolete way of localizing backend labels using a token to split a
string into localizations. See "Inside TYPO3" document for more
Basically a string being "languagesplitted" could look like
"Cat|Kat|Katze|..." where each part corresponds to the position of the
language key found in the constant "TYPO3_languages" (in this case

>    localconf

Refers to the file "typo3conf/localconf.php" in TYPO3 which contains
configuration of a specific TYPO3 website. Inside that file the database
connection information is found. Also configuration of installed
extensions, values in the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS array etc.
For extensions a special file, "ext_localconf.php", can be used to
configure further values in $TYPO3_CONF_VARS.
For specific details on what goes where, please see the document "Inside
TYPO3", chapter "localconf.php and $TYPO3_CONF_VARS".
Another similarly looking file, "ext_tables.php", also contains
configuration, but there is a difference to what kind is allowed in
either. Generally speaking "localconf" files are ALWAYS loaded while
"ext_tables.php" are not necessarily loaded (in the frontend at least
this is not always the case).
For differences between the two file types and allowed usage, please see
the document "TYPO3 Core API", chapter "ext_tables.php and

>    locallang

Refers to the primary localization concept in TYPO3 where a PHP file or
XML file (preferred) contains localizations of backend or frontend text
labels. A "locallang" file is normally a collection of labels relevant
in the same context, for example a backend module or a database table.
The localizations are added to the locallang files through web
interfaces. The PHP version uses the interface on TYPO3.org where
uploaded extensions are automatically subjected to translation. The XML
version uses a TYPO3 extension that allows localization to happen on all
installed extensions.
See the document "Inside TYPO3" for details on the format and
localization methods (of the backend) in general.

>    main module

The "first level" in the menu of the TYPO3 backend. Examples are the
"Web", "File", "User", "Doc", "Tools" and "Help" main modules that most
TYPO3 users know. However, they are usually only representing submodules
(eg. "Web > List" or "Tools > Ext. Manager") but can also be an active
module in themselves (like "Doc" is).

>    object path

The term for a full string identifying a TypoScript object, eg.
"lib.myMenu", "page.10.5.file", "config.simulateStaticDocuments",
"RTE.default" etc.
See the "TypoScript Syntax and In-depth study" document (ext.

>    optionSplit

Complex syntax used in the TypoScript configuration that build HMENU
cObjects. All values subjected to "optionSplit" are exploded based on
the tokens "||" and "|*|" combined with the number of menu items the
menu is comprised of. The goal of "optionSplit" is to provide a very
flexible way of setting alternative values for eg. first and last
elements in a menu etc.
The full meaning is explained in TSref by a number of examples to go by.

>    Page module

Refers to the "Web > Page" module in the backend of TYPO3 or another
module used as the primary environment for editing pages.
(Other examples includes the page module substitute provided by the
extension "templavoila" which introduces an alternative concept for page

>    pagecontent

Refers to "content elements" that are the content building blocks of
individual pages in the the page tree.

>    primary form fields

The most significant fields shown in record editing forms in TYPO3.
These fields are always shown to the user. The counterpart are
"secondary form fields", see description elsewhere.

>    root level

A starting point. Websites made with TYPO3 always have a single root
page in the page tree; From this point in the page tree and outwards all
pages belong to that website. Root points for websites are defined by
the "control element" called a TypoScript Template record.
See "root level flag"

>    root level flag

In a TypoScript Record, this is a checkbox that defines that the record
should start a new website root from that point in the page tree.

>    secondary form fields

The less significant form fields shown in record editing forms in TYPO3.
These appear in two ways depending on configuration: By default they are
shown in the vertical top-frame of TYPO3 when a user places the cursor
in a primary form field. Alternatively, they are shown under a primary
form field, indented a little (if the "Show secondary options" checkbox
is enabled).
The point of this feature is to prioritize a large number of form fields
so the interface is not cluttered with more rarely used options.
A group of secondary form fields are always located in relation to a
primary field and the group is sometimes referred to as a "palette" (of

>    Secondary options

See "secondary form fields".

>    sub module

A backend module in TYPO3 which is found under a main module (see Main
module). Typical examples are "Web > Page" or "Tools > Ext. Manager".
The distinction between "main" and "sub" modules are purely with
reference to the organization in the backend module menu. 

Peter: Will you include these for me?

- kasper

> You find the words at: http://wiki.typo3.org/index.php/Glossary
> /Peter Kindström
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- kasper

Happy new year! - My email address is now: 

		kasper2005 at typo3.com 

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