[Typo3-dev] add bodytag-params through own ext

René Fritz r.fritz at colorcube.de
Wed Jan 12 12:28:24 CET 2005

Don't use this:
> $TSFE->bodyTagAdd = 'onload="init();"';

Use this:
> //add onload-function:
> $GLOBALS["TSFE"]->JSeventFuncCalls["onload"]["txfhdmediamap"]="init();";

Btw. There might be other plugins using the very common function name init(). 
Try to make it a little bit more obscure or do it the right way and prepend 
it with the extKey.

Try without templavoila.
Or try cc_vscroller in your website and see if it works. If not there's 
something wrong. If it works you've made a mistake.


digital media lab


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