[Typo3-dev] Displaying the correct label in List module

Steve Webster steviewebsite at msn.com
Tue Jan 4 23:05:58 CET 2005

Hi All,

Busy creating my first extension and have stumbled accross a usability issue that I wondered may be resolved in future versions?

I have a table which as the first record uses a relation to another DB.  For example, I have a teams table and a fixtures table.  The first column of the fixtures table is the home team which is a reference to the uid of the team from the teams table.

This means that when my fixtures are displayed in the list module the home team uid is displayed not the actual home team name.  I've gotton round this temporarily by having an additional column in my fixtures table of type "passthrough" and then writing a hook into processDatamap_preProcessFieldArray  that writes the "pretty" label to that column and then defining this as the one to display in the list module.

However I also notice similar display issues when I select to edit multiple columns, some of which include "radio" types whereby the index is displayed.  For example I have another column in the fixtures table to say whether it is a home or away fixture.  In this case I see values such as 

By for now,


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