[Typo3-dev] Usergroup memberships FE and BE with openldap

Didier Gehéniau didier.geheniau at feas.net
Wed Feb 16 21:54:53 CET 2005

Hi all,

Because nobody answerd my mail in the Typo3 English list I ask it here:

I have installed all the ldap extentions (ldap_lib,ldap_server, ldap_auth
and ldap_sync). I am using open ldap. When synchronizing all the groups and
users for be and fe are imported corectly but all the group memberships are

Does anyone knows what's wrong and/or has anyone a working openldap

My configuration looks like:


FEusers {

	enable = 1
	table = fe_users
	basedn = OU=People, DC=feas, DC=net
	handleNotFound = 1
	handleNotFound {
		markHidden = 1
		hiddenField = disable
		markDeleted = 0
		deletedField = deleted
		delete = 0
		identField = username

	pid = 2
	filter = (&(objectClass=person))
	uniqueField = tx_ldapserver_dn
	fields {
		username = MAP_OBJECT
		username.attribute = uid
		username.userFunc = tx_ldapserver->getSingleValue
                usergroup = MAP_OBJECT
                usergroup.userFunc = tx_ldapserver->getBEGroups
                usergroup.userFunc.pid = 2
                usergroup.userFunc.table = fe_groups
		tx_ldapserver_dn = MAP_OBJECT
		tx_ldapserver_dn.special = DN





FEgroups < FEusers

FEgroups {
	table = fe_groups
	handleNotFound = 0
                basedn = ou=fe_groups, ou=mg_intranet, ou=Applications,
dc=feas, dc=net
	filter = (&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames))
	fields {
		username >
		usergroup >
		title = MAP_OBJECT
		title.attribute = cn
		title.userFunc = tx_ldapserver->getSingleValue



BEusers < FEusers

BEusers {

	table = be_users
	pid = root
	handleNotFound = 0
	filter = (&(objectClass=person))
	fields.usergroup.userFunc = tx_ldapserver->getBEGroups
	fields.usergroup.userFunc.pid = root
	fields.usergroup.userFunc.table = be_groups


BEgroups < FEgroups

BEgroups {
	table = be_groups
	pid = root
                basedn = ou=fe_groups, ou=mg_intranet, ou=Applications,
dc=feas, dc=net
	filter = (&(objectClass=groupOfUniqueNames))



FEauth {
   enable = 1
   table = fe_users
   SSO = 1
   SSO.10.userFunc = tx_ldapauth_sv1->authFromGet
   sync < FEusers


BEauth < FEauth
BEauth {
	table = be_users
	sync < BEusers



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