[Typo3-dev] Allowed excludefields

Georg Rehfeld georg.rehfeld at gmx.de
Tue Feb 15 05:58:55 CET 2005


Michael Stucki wrote:
>>have this list box changed to (sort of) an unordered list or some
>>tree. Level 1 would be the table at hand, level 2 the field and a
>>checkbox to en/disable access.
> The tree suggestion sounds like a good idea!

Which is what I hoped, and the main issue.

>>Also, I would like to have the raw DB field name in parens or so besides
>>the translated name.
> That's another good idea.
> Could you please submit these suggestions to the bugtracker? Please keep
> them separated since the 2nd idea might be easier to add.

See Bug 790 at:


Sorry, if the formatting is bad, I'm unable to enter descriptive text
into a 5x60 box. Also this is essentially just a copy of this message
with a "have it all" feature request.

I don't think, just listing the "raw DB field name" in the existing
interface (listbox) would make too much sense

- it wouldn't be seen most of the time caused by the "too narrow
   listbox" issue
- it really _should_ be accompanied by the "list all raw DB fields"
   request, to be usefull. Else people would be missing most important
- the latter dictates elimination of the "Explicitly allow/deny field

regards, Georg
  ___   ___
| + | |__    Georg Rehfeld      Woltmanstr. 12     20097 Hamburg
|_|_\ |___   georg.rehfeld.nospam at gmx.de    +49 (40) 23 53 27 10

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