[Typo3-dev] Caching...

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Wed Dec 21 11:21:50 CET 2005

Hash: SHA1

> What I really need is a description of the function of the different "cache_" tables, maybe that helps me any further. I know that there is no document about that, but mybe there's someone who can tell me where to find anything about that in the code.
> Thomas

Hello Thomas,

from my experience nobody will give you a full answer to the question
"What is in the different cache_ tablels?". They are probably developed
by different people. I could imagine that nobody is able to give a
complete overview over them. The functions that use them are distributed
all over the source, so that it would be much work to search and
understand them all.

So you better get answers, if you query for specific problems like which
tables to clear when you run into trouble with realurl like typo3.org
did once.

For you specific problem of a specific installation that doesn't cach I
think you need to ask yourself following questions:

1.) Is no page cached or ist it a problem of a part of the pages?

If it is only a part then you can look for the typical plugin of that
part and for SETUP on directory level.

If it is a general problem:

2.) Is there a FE-Plugin present in all pages?

Then that may be the bad boy.

Else it seems to be problem of general configuration.

3.) What is the general cause?

Check CONFIG, SETUP also for configuration of headers, links. Check menu
links. Remove some plugins temporarly and test with them.

I fear you are allready there and there I would be at the end of my
wits, too.

In desperate situtions I do a second setup of the page, step by step,
until the problem occurs again. Then I have it located.



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