[Typo3-dev] RFC: new condition ORIG_TYPO3_VERSION - call for volunteers

Kasper Skårhøj kasper2005 at typo3.com
Mon Dec 19 16:23:52 CET 2005

Hi Sebastian,

I think its a great idea. Between smaller versions of TYPO3 people who like 
new features just update this constant and people who like "stable" just 
keeps the old value. 
If I was a web-agency with customers I might like "Stable" since new features 
could mean confusion with the end user due to some new stuff. On the other 
hand I like to update because I need security fixes and other vital parts 
maintained. I think your idea solves this problem in a great way.

To Johannes: Yes, there can be times for loosing some backwards compatibility 
but as we have done in the past we will still try to "bundle" such backwards 
compatibility losses in maybe a second- or third-yearly release and at the 
same time meticoulously document them so upgrades can be done systematically. 
You are right, version 5.0 will probably be such a release. But this is not 
known yet.

- kasper

On Monday 19 December 2005 15:53, Sebastian Kurfuerst wrote:
> Hi,
> I thought again about the problem of backwards-compliancy in TYPO3 and
> anyways activating new features. The problem is that if we always stay
> backwards-compatible, a new TYPO3 version needs to have lots of stuff
> configured to activate new options.
> One attempt to solve this issue is an upgrade wizard, which is what I
> did some time ago - but which is unfortunately not in the core yet. I
> think as well it still needs some polishing. See
> http://lists.netfielders.de/pipermail/typo3-team-core/2005-November/000462.
>html for more information. I'd appreciate any comments and hints, and if
> somebody has improvements, please tell me.
> Anyways, there often is the following problem: We add some fancy new
> feature, but it is deactivated via TypoScript for not breaking BW
> compliancy. However we recommend to switch this setting on for new
> installs.
> To solve this issue, it would be really cool to create a new condition
> ORIG_TYPO3_VERSION or so, where it is possible to say:
> There is already some function in the core outputting the version number
> as a number without dots - this can be used as well I think.
> This orig_typo3_version should be the TYPO3 version at installation date
> - and should be written in the localconf. It should as well be possible
> to update this in the install tool, to activate new features.
> What do you think about it? any comments?
> I currently really don't have time for something like that - are there
> any volunteers who could to this in a resonable timespan? This would be
> of really great help! - Of course I'd assist you whereever I can.
> Thanks and Greets, Sebastian
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- kasper

"A 'please' would be nice", John Travolta, Pulp Fiction

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