[Typo3-dev] How to use _CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE?

Elijah Alcantara elijah.alcantara at gmail.com
Thu Dec 15 10:27:15 CET 2005

Hello List =)

I've been trying to change the 'look' of our newloginbox, most of the
changes I did are in the pi1/class*.php file, but something's not
right ... some css is overriding my own, so I visited this link:

and tried to put something like this on the ext_typoscript_setup.txt:
plugin.tx_newloginbox_pi1._CSS_DEFAULT_STYLE {
   DIV.tx-newloginbox-pi1 P.tx-newloginbox-pi1-forgotP A { font-size:12;}

doing so gives me an error in the ts object browser:
2:    Line 2271: Object Name String, ".tx-newloginbox-pi1-forgotP" was
not preceeded by any operator, =<>({
2:    Line 4938: Object Name String, ".tx-newloginbox-pi1-forgotP" was
not preceeded by any operator, =<>({

I dunno what to do in here ... what should I have preceded?

Elijah A.

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