[Typo3-dev] AJAX in TYPO3: call for volunteers

Elmar Hinz elmar.DOT.hinz at team.MINUS.red.DOT.net
Sun Dec 11 12:48:55 CET 2005

Hash: SHA1

Jan-Hendrik Heuing [DD] schrieb:
>>As it seems there are a lot of different AJAX implementations, but there 
>>no "definitive" solution yet. Too many concurrenting stuff.
>>This makes me think that there may be a totally different solution which
>>maybe doesn't even exist yet. But how can we deal with this?
> I think it makes sense not pushing it too much at this time, but to 
> investigate it again in a half a year. Then there is time to follow the 
> various implementations to see if there are people behind it, pushing it in 
> the long term. So rather developing TYPO3's own solution, sticking to a 
> widely speard library seems to make sense, but I'd not feel comfortable 
> choosing it now, as it's all too young...

I agree, that all this development is still very young and nothing has
really been decided yet. We shouldn't at least don't base on an library
that is developed and maintained by I single person. As soon as the
first AJAX hype is over the interest to maintain it any longer could
quickly die.

Meanwhile some library extensions will be necessary as test fields. But
it is IMHO to early to give them any official touch.

On the other hand, doing it a nonstandard TYPO3 way is never a good
solution. That's the way proprietary software goes. A secure way into
bigger recoding on the long run for opensource projects.

How about maintaining an AJAX library in common with other systems like
ruby on rails, ZOPE and joomla? To establish a stable standard and get
it supported from different sides. (As far as the licenses match.)



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