[Typo3-dev] RFC: Workspace editor

Dmitry Dulepov typo3 at fm-world.ru
Sun Dec 4 15:01:32 CET 2005


A couple of days ago I have finished a module to create/edit workspaces.
This functionality is now available from the User>Workspace module in
the workspace list.

When you click on the pencil icon or select "Create new workspace" link,
editors opens.

There are two different versions:
1. For admin users - similar to record editing in LIST module but adds
current user to owners automatically
2. For regular users - contains a list of users and groups allowed for
inclusion into workspace record. Allowed ones are:
    - user's groups
    - users from groups where current BE user belong
Notice that *all* users (groups) will be displayed in the current list
of users but if a user (group) is not included in BE user's groups, it
will be removed on save. This is not a bug, this is intentional. Since
group/user strcuture is usually defined per site section, this should
not cause any problems.

If you want to try worspaces, you will need to get the latest version of
Typo3 from CVS. I would be happy to get comments and/or bug reports.

For those who are interested in screenshots only, I put them here:
1. Admin user modifies workspace: http://fm-world.ru/tmp/wksp-edit-admin.gif
2. Regular user modifies workspace:


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