[Typo3-dev] ext_conf_template.txt - syntax

Rainer (Rene) Suthoelder t3 at boswel-remove-me.de
Fri Apr 15 10:16:19 CEST 2005

Rainer Kuhn wrote:
>> tried this already - with no luck =:(
> Yes, because the HTML entities themselves contain special characters
> like the semicolon. If you didn't find another possiblity, try to
> create your own entities as common ASCII strings (e.g. comma,
> semikolon) and decode them to the special characters in your
> extension code.

LOL, that's what i have done =:o)
the "problem" is that i would really liked to have those "special chars" 
being displayed in the dropdown. that's because of the translation issue. or 
is it possible to have localized versions? i don't think so.



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