[Typo3-dev] Bug when using images_frames, jpg images and quality settings

Chi Hoang hoang at planb-media.de
Wed May 26 12:17:11 CEST 2004


Problem was that when using jpg images and images_frames the image quality
was very poor in T3.6.1

My solution:

1. there is bug in function getImgResource($file,$fileArray) of
class.tslib_content.php when using mask and jpg. I added the lines

function getImgResource($file,$fileArray) {

    if (!@file_exists($dest)) {

          if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['GFX']['im_mask_temp_ext_gif'])
{  // If ImageMagick version 5+

          // here comes my changes... because otherwise jpg would become gif
          if ($fI['fileext'] ==='jpg') {


2. Unfortunately the image quality setting is not passed to function
combineExec($input,$overlay,$mask,$output)  in class.t3lib_stdgraphic.php,
so I did harcoded it (which is bad, but I cant do better atm):

function combineExec($input,$overlay,$mask,$output) {
  if (!$this->NO_IMAGE_MAGICK) {
   $cmd = $this->imageMagickPath.$this->combineScript.' -compose
over -quality 100 '.$this->wrapFileName($input).'
'.$this->wrapFileName($overlay).' '.$this->wrapFileName($mask).'
   $this->IM_commands[] = Array ($output,$cmd);

Look at -quality 100.

My image quality is now awesome when using image_frames. I hope it might be
some help to you.



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