[Typo3-dev] You are the Programmer

Martin T. Kutschker Martin.no5pam.Kutschker at blackbox.n0spam.net
Thu May 13 21:41:56 CEST 2004

Patrick Gaumond wrote:
> One thing that I have more difficulty with is the Development Cycle. The
> period for testing seems too short even if the "1" in 4-2-1 doesn't really
> mean 1 week, I find it irrealistic. From the last cycle we've learn that RC2
> to Final was given a too short period to be tested and be fixed!

True. Compare the RC cycles of PHP. If I'm not mistaken an RC has a time 
to live of several weeks. Problem is folks only start testing right 
before its's to late...

Anyway, a testing time of 2 weeks for an RC seems to be jsutifed in my 


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