[Typo3-dev] Image are bad. Why?

Thomas Peterson info at thomas-peterson.de
Wed Mar 24 17:18:17 CET 2004


Why this pictures are so bad?
I tried to make it better with format/quality and so on, but there was no
good result.

Look at this: "good Picture"


It's without Gifbuilder but with Rezise.

This is with gifbuilder: "bad Picture"


This is my code:

$conf = array();
$conf["file"] = "GIFBUILDER";
$conf["file."]["XY"] = "".$width.",[5.h]";

$conf["file."]["5"] = "IMAGE";
$conf["file."]["5."]["file"] = $file;
$conf["file."]["5."]["file."]["width"] = $width;

$conf["file."]["10"] = "BOX";
$conf["file."]["10."]["dimensions"] = "95,184,[20.w]+10,[20.h]+10";
$conf["file."]["10."]["color"] = "#94BBE5";

$conf["file."]["20"] = "TEXT";
$conf["file."]["20."]["text"] = $text;
$conf["file."]["20."]["offset"] = "100,200";
$conf["file."]["20."]["fontColor"] = "black";
$conf["file."]["20."]["niceText"] = "0";

Then i have made this Changes in class.t3lib_stdgraphic.php:

var $cmds = Array (
  'jpg' => '-colorspace RGB -quality 98',
  'jpeg' => '-colorspace RGB -quality 98',
  'gif' => '-colors 255',
  'png' => ''

but it is not much better than before.

Thomas Peterson

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