[Typo3-dev] Library manager instead of globals

dan frost dan at danfrost.co.uk
Tue Mar 16 11:51:20 CET 2004

Last night I built a library manager to cope with a load of the classes 
I'm using. Basically you create a library object in a global:

$GLOBALS['LIBS']['myLib'] = libraryManager::newLibrary('default');
// newLibrary is a simple factor, itself integrated with the library 

Then, for each class.somethingorother.php file put:

array('class'=>'classname', 'metadata'=>'etc'));

instead or as well as the of the "include once" stuff at the bottom of 
source files.

Then, when you want an object:
$myObject = $GLOBALS['LIBS']['myLib']->getLibraryEntryOb('libraryKey');

$cObj = $GLOBALS['LIBS']['myLib']->getLibraryEntryOb('cObj');

This means:
1. you can have a default "object" or register errors when non-existent 
objects are created
2. you can have lots of classes supplying the same "class name" 
(libraryKey) - so for extensions you can have:

// Core file:
array('class'=>'classname', 'location'=>'core'));

// Extension 1
array('class'=>'classname', 'location'=>'ext1'));

// Extension 2
array('class'=>'classname', 'location'=>'ext2'));

When the class "cObj" (which doesn't actually exist!) is required by the 
core you can ask if there are any alternatives providing specific 
functions or properties.

The library object can also create "sub libraries" based on, for 
example, permissions, user's location.

I think this might be similar to servers...!


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