[Typo3-dev] is the cHash GET parameter really needed? Better results without it!

Taras Sajuk tsajuk at web.de
Wed Jul 28 16:48:54 CEST 2004

Hi list

in tslib_fe the makeCasheHash() function just checks the GET parameter
cHash. If there isn't one no hash is computed. This leads to problems with
pages where FE plugins use GET-parameters. (I have an
MS-Office-XML-Display-plugin with paging functionality - if the cHash isn't
there the parameters are ignored).
I've made follofing change:

 	function makeCacheHash()	{
		$GET = t3lib_div::_GET();
		if (is_array($GET))	{ // old line before mod >>>if
($this->cHash && is_array($GET))	{
			$pA =
error_log('makeCacheHash cHash='.$this->cHash.' pA='.serialize($pA));
			$this->cHash_array = $pA;

Now my Plugin works with caching. I can even activate the cache for tt_news.
Is there a side effect I did't see?

- Taras Sajuk (tsajuk)

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