[Typo3-dev] extending extensions

Martin Poelstra martin at beryllium.net
Mon Jan 26 13:49:03 CET 2004

Hi Michael, Christian,

>> The only thing I can imagine is a part of the extension manager that can
>> detect a warn about such incompatibilities.
> That would require explicit interface declarations unless you're ready
> to prove Turing wrong.

Well, it shouldn't be that hard. The extension-manager can just check if
an extension wants to override a certain class, that an other extension
also wants to override.
E.g.: the 404-page-extension seems to override tslib_fe, but RealURLs does
too. It shouldn't be too hard to detect that. So, say you have the 404-ext
installed and you want to install RealURLs. You should then get an error
message telling that RealURLs can't be installed, because it wants to
override the same class. You should then de-install the 404-ext, or you
can't use RealURLs.

Well, in the future you can use RealURLs actually, but that's another
story ;)

>> If you have any suggestions on have this can be solved with class
>> inheritance, they mostly welcome.
> See my message dated 16/1 in this thread for more details on the
> side-by-side solution.

See my note on this too, in 'Colliding Extensions' dated 16/1 too.


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