[Typo3-dev] extending extensions

Michael Zedeler michael at zedeler.dk
Fri Jan 16 09:23:07 CET 2004

Kasper Skårhøj wrote:
>>Now I think I understand the problem - what is wanted is an "arbitrary" 
>>stacking (or merging) of extending classes, right?
> Yes, you are right.
> The danger in one class overriding anothers function is of course not possible to solve. But at least two extension classes could extend the same class and in many cases different functions are overridden - or maybe just an internal variable. At least; It will get us a little further into flexibility but of course not solving all problems. But you can just as well argue that it is dangerous that two extensions can extend the same class and only the latter one loaded will succeed. This is just as dangerous as if the same function is overridden.

I think neither solution is useful. There will be plenty of cases where 
this kind of replacement will cause real headaches. Its really not a 
good idea.

> Anyways, this is my final words on this issue:
> - Extension to classes was meant as LOCAL changes one can make to specific websites or local installations so that you can still update the TYPO3 source and keep backwards compatibility.
> - Extension to classes should NOT be used in extensions in long-term - only shortterm fixes until an API that allows to connect to a given functionality has been integrated. 

Thats a good solution. The whole concept of loading multiple modules is 
very hard to handle properly.

I still think that the name space construct that I sketched is the way 
to go, because no classes will ever be overridden, which entirely 
removes the problem we're talking about. On the other hand, it may not 
be on the top of the to do list for now.



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